Non c'è solo Fuocoammare, ovviamente, nel lungo, lunghissimo elenco di film candidati ad un posto nella short list del miglior Film straniero ai prossimi Oscar. Il documentario di Gianfranco Rosi ha battuto la concorrenza di altri titoli italiani e rappresenterà il nostro Paese nella ulteriore selezione che porterà ad una nuova scrematura.
In totale, infatti, sono ben 85 i paesi che mirano ad uno dei posti disponibili in quella categoria. A far compagnia a Fuocoammare tante pellicole provenienti da ogni parte del mondo che lotteranno insieme a quella di Rosi. Il titolo internazionale di Fuocoammare è "Fire in the Sea". In lizza anche "Neruda” di Pablo Larraín e Julieta di Pedro Almodovar.
Ecco l'elenco completo:
Albania, “Chromium”
Algeria, “The Well”
Argentina, “The Distinguished Citizen”
Australia, “Tanna,”
Austria, “Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe,”
Bangladesh, “The Unnamed,”
Belgium, “The Ardennes,”
Bolivia, “Sealed Cargo,”
Bosnia and Herzegovina, “Death in Sarajevo,”
Brazil, “Little Secret,” ;
Bulgaria, “Losers,”
Cambodia, “Before the Fall,”
Canada, “It’s Only the End of the World,”
Chile, “Neruda,”
China, “Xuan Zang,”
Colombia, “Alias Maria,”
Costa Rica, “About Us”
Croatia, “On the Other Side”
Cuba, “The Companion”
Czech Republic, “Lost in Munich”
Denmark, “Land of Mine”
Dominican Republic, “Sugar Fields”
Ecuador, “Such Is Life in the Tropics”
Egypt, “Clash”
Estonia, “Mother”
Finland, “The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki”
France, “Elle,”
Georgia, “House of Others,”
Germany, “Toni Erdmann,”
Greece, “Chevalier”
Hong Kong, “Port of Call”
Hungary, “Kills on Wheels”
Iceland, “Sparrows”
India, “Interrogation”
Indonesia, “Letters from Prague”
Iran, “The Salesman"
Iraq, “El Clásico”
Israel, “Sand Storm”
Italy, “Fire at Sea”
Japan, “Nagasaki: Memories of My Son"
Jordan, “3000 Nights”
Kazakhstan, “Amanat”
Kosovo, “Home Sweet Home,”
Kyrgyzstan, “A Father’s Will”
Latvia, “Dawn,”
Lebanon, “Very Big Shot"
Lithuania, “Seneca’s Day”
Luxembourg, “Voices from Chernobyl"
Macedonia, “The Liberation of Skopje,”
Malaysia, “Beautiful Pain,”
Mexico, “Desierto,”
Montenegro, “The Black Pin,”
Morocco, “A Mile in My Shoes,”
Nepal, “The Black Hen,”
Netherlands, “Tonio,”
New Zealand, “A Flickering Truth,”
Norway, “The King’s Choice,”
Pakistan, “Mah-e-Mir,”
Palestine, “The Idol,”
Panama, “Salsipuedes,”
Peru, “Videophilia (and Other Viral Syndromes),”
Philippines, “Ma’ Rosa,”
Poland, “Afterimage,”
Portugal, “Letters from War,”
Romania, “Sieranevada,”
Russia, “Paradise,”
Saudi Arabia, “Barakah Meets Barakah,”
Serbia, “Train Driver’s Diary,”
Singapore, “Apprentice,”
Slovakia, “Eva Nová,”
Slovenia, “Houston, We Have a Problem!”
South Africa, “Call Me Thief,”
South Korea, “The Age of Shadows,”
Spain, “Julieta,”
Sweden, “A Man Called Ove,”
Switzerland, “My Life as a Zucchini,”
Taiwan, “Hang in There, Kids!”
Thailand, “Karma,”
Turkey, “Cold of Kalandar,”
Ukraine, “Ukrainian Sheriffs,”
United Kingdom, “Under the Shadow,”
Uruguay, “Breadcrumbs,”
Venezuela, “From Afar,”
Vietnam, “Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass,”
Yemen, “I Am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced,”
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