Duecentocinquanta esperti del settore cinematografico hanno stilato la Black List 2016 delle sceneggiature che non ancora state prodotte e quindi non arrivate sul grande schermo. Ognuno di essi ha indicato fino a dieci titoli tra i loro script preferiti nella classifica che viene pubblicata ogni anno dal 2005.
Nel corso degli anni sono entrati nella lista diversi film premi Oscar: tra questi il vincitore dello scorso anno, Spotlight. Alcuni dei partecipanti alla corsa all’Oscar di quest’anno hanno fatto parte della Blacklist: Arrival, Hell or High Water e Manchester by the Sea.
Tra i nomi di quelli che hanno vinto in passato ci sono anche Arrival, Hell or High Water e Manchester by the Sea.
Il numero di preferenze maggiore di questa edizione 2016 se l'è guadagnato la pellicola Blond Ambition, scritta da Elyse Hollander. Il film parla della vita della cantante Madonna negli anni '80 quando è arrivata a New York per cercare il successo nel mondo della musica.
Nell'edizione 2016 sono stati selezionati 73 script. Ecco la lista con il rispettivo numero di voti:
- Blond Ambition by Elyse Hollander (48)
- Life Itself by Dan Fogelman (35)
- The Olympian by Tony Tost (35)
- The Post by Liz Hannah (35)
- Voyagers by Zach Dean (28)
- In the Blink of an Eye by Colby Day (25)
- O2 by Christie LeBlanc (22)
- Untitled Lax Mandis Project by Seth Spector (22)
- Dark Money by Matt Fruchtman (21)
- Letters From Rosemary Kennedy by Nick Yarborough (21)
- Linda and Monica by Flint Wainess (20)
- Hala by Minhal Baig (19)
- The Miserable Adventures of Burt Squire Aboard the Horn High Yo by Ben Bolea (18)
- The Time Traveler’s La Ronde by Tom Dean (18)
- Revolver by Kate Trefry (17)
- Fairy Godmother by Chiara Atik (15)
- Free Guy by Matt Lieberman (15)
- The Kings of Maine by Kathy Charles (15)
- Layla … and Other Assorted Love Songs by Derek Weissbein (15)
- Maximum King! by Shay Hatten (15)
- Battle of Alcatraz by Neil Widener, Gavin James (14)
- I Think We’re Alone Now by Mike Makowsky (14)
- Man Alive by Joe Greenberg (14)
- Mother by Michael Lloyd Green (14)
- Untitled Late Night Comedy by Mindy Kaling (14)
- King of LA by Chris Bremner (13)
- Let the Evil Go West by Carlos Rios (13)
- Villains by Dan Berk, Robert Olsen (13)
- Hart You by Zoe McCarthy (12)
- James Cameron’s Titanic by Jen D’Angelo (12)
- Northeast Kingdom by Alex R. Johnson (12)
- Barbarian by Rosalind Ross (11)
- The Builder by Tom Cartier (11)
- Untitled Fairy Tale by Cat Vasko (11)
- Adrift by Aaron and Jordan Kandell (10)
- Kings Canyon by Paul Hilborn, Evan Parter (10)
- The Last Days of Night by Graham Moore (10)
- Lee by Chris Urch (10)
- Liberty by Jayson Rothwell (10)
- Saving Charlie Chaplin by Justin Shady (10)
- Two Butterflies by Evan Dodson (10)
- The Woman With Red Hair by Michael Schatz (10)
- American Rebel by Christopher Cosmos (9)
- Rugged by April Prosser (9)
- Turned On by Charlie Kesslering (9)
- Boyfriend Material by Mackenzie Dohr (8)
- The Burning Season by Jenny Halper (8)
- Contingency Protocol by Mark Townend (8)
- A Deconstruction of Reality by Mattson Tomlin (8)
- The Fruitcake by Trey Selman (8)
- The Hunchback by Topher Rhys-Lawrence (8)
- I, Tonya by Steven Rogers (8)
- Inner City by Dan Gilroy (8)
- Orb by Steve Desmond, Michael Sherman (8)
- Burn Run by Matt Tente (7)
- The Fall by Peter Bridges (7)
- The Gun Show by Lucas Carter (7)
- The Housewife by Alyssa Hill (7)
- Hummingbird by John Tyler Mclain (7)
- Reason of State by Matthew Orton (7)
- Palmer by Cheryl Guerriero (7)
- Allison Adams by Devon Graye (6)
- America: The Motion Picture by Dave Callaham (6)
- Bad Education by Mike Makowsky (6)
- Bitter Pill by Turner Hay (6)
- Captain Infinity by Harry Tarre (6)
- Carnada by Katharine Werner (6)
- Donzinger by Matt Bai, Jay Carson (6)
- Escape From Sarajevo by Vanya Asher (6)
- Hotel Artemis by Drew Pearce (6)
- Miller’s Girl by Jade Bartlett (6)
- Mr. Toy by Chai Hecht (6)
- Space Oddity by Rebecca Banner (6)
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